Sunday, 22 March 2015

Learning Contract - Feedback

I've received feedback for my learning contract submission.

The project aim and breakdown I want to achieve are within reason and the project seems to be relevant and complex enough to progress in. The project so far is a good start and I will definitely have a good amount of material to explore. Of course there are also a few things I missed out:
Further conceptual consideration should be addressed, for example, I will need to consider what kind of environment I want to make.
There is also an issue of my scope not being entirely defined, as in what I will be handing in at the end of the semester.

The feedback also states my project could benefit further from the "discussion between scientific data and creative license" and "whether there is a tension between realism and creativity being explored" or is it "utilising facts and data to inspire new (personal) creative approaches". I believe I have made a start in considering this, my blog posts so far definitely look into the science behind my creative approach but I would've benefited from further exploring this in my learning contract. I think I am on the right track here but can continue to look at the relationship between the realism and imagination.

From the feedback I've come up with a few points I will attempt to address:

  • Scope - I'd like to aim for 2 rendered scenes. These 2 scenes will actually be from the same environment but with different weather situations.
  • Video Report - My video report will include these renders as well as a walk through behind the scenes, and showing various other implementations and experimentations.
  • Environment - I need to focus on what type of environment I'd like to create. In short, I'd like to create an alien planet that seems relatively calm but endures frequent dust/smog storms. I will create a blog post in the future to properly define what environment I will build.

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